Enroll_Bricks Challenge_Term . In order to sign up for the Bricks Challenge 4th Term event that will take take place between 6th of April - 25th of May, we would like you to fill the form below. Thanks for your interest to our programs. Select the Venue/Time you want to attendMaltepe Business Cen.(Saturday 12:15-13:30)Maltepe Business Cen.(Saturday 14:00-15:15)Ataşehir Minicim (Saturday 12:15-13:30) Your: Childs: I give permission to e² Young Engineers,for taking my child's photo&video from the events for advertisement purposes. In order to read Disclaimer please click here. P.S: No names will be mentioned unless we we ask your permission. —Please choose an option—YesNo Price: 8 week term price is 100 $.